Meet Johnna
Certified Business & Personal Coach
Johnna Danielle is a professional life coach, mentor, leadership trainer, and speaker helping men and women reach their career and relationship goals. As an Executive Director with the John Maxwell Team, she has numerous leadership tools to elevate leaders, their teams, as well as businesses. She has a heart to serve, love for personal development, with an enormous passion to help people reach their best potential. She hired her own coach in 2013 and quickly realized the impact a paid professional had on her personal and professional success. After attaining 3 certifications (one ICF accredited), she started coaching part-time in 2014. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Johnna was in a 17-year lucrative career in the healthcare industry and decided to utilize a time of great transition to offer her gifts to individuals and businesses that also wanted to make the most of who they are. She launched her business, Johnna Danielle Coaching full time. Today, she offers a variety of coaching programs and services-from individual coaching, leadership training seminars, to workshops and keynote speaking.